Keno Wa Lottery
Washington Daily Keno started on October 3, 2001. Daily Keno is a 10-20-80 game in which the player picks 10 numbers from 1 to 80, and the lottery draws 20. In Daily Keno, you can choose as few as one number or as many as ten. Your bet can start as low as $1 or be as high as $20. With a $1 bet you can win as much as $100,000 for matching 10 numbers.
With jackpot odds of 1:8,911,711, Washington Daily Keno is not the worst game in Washington, but there are better options. The other games in Washington are: Washington Match 4 (odds 1:10,626) Washington Hit Five (odds 1:575,757), Washington Lotto (odds 1:6,991,908), Mega Millions (odds 1:302,575,350), and Powerball (odds 1:292 million).
Prize Amount Total Prizes Prizes Paid Prizes Remaining; $5,000: 4: 2: 2: $100: 60: 28: 32: $50: 204: 98: 106: $30: 266: 122: 144: $20: 1,205: 510: 695: $10: 6,037.
Here are some valuable number selection tips for Washington Daily Keno from Gail Howard's book, Lottery Master Guide, that should fatten your bank account. (Advantage Gold software makes all the number selection charts for this game; and the wheeling software to use is Wheel Ten Gold.)
Mass Lottery Keno Winning Numbers
Get our new walottery app. Scan and check your tickets! The state’s Lottery offers consumers several types of games, including Mega Millions, Powerball, Lotto, Hit 5, Match 4, PICK 3, Daily Keno and Scratch. For more information, visit or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @walottery. Know your limit. Most recent drawing: 2317415. My Recent Tickets. Rules and How to Play. Get a list of results for all of today’s drawings, or any day’s drawings. Hot & Cold Numbers. Created with sketchtool. 150 Mount Vernon Street.
Twenty-five percent of all the winning numbers drawn in Washington Daily Keno are numbers that won in the last drawing, and 44 percent of all the winning numbers are either repeat hits or numbers that were out only one game. Furthermore, 58 percent of all winners were out TWO GAMES OR LESS!
Lottery Strategies to Help You Win Washington Daily Keno
Keep in mind, you need to get only HALF of the 20 numbers drawn to get the 10 numbers required to win the jackpot. Repeat hits AND numbers out ONE game (that is, numbers repeated from the previous drawing, and numbers drawn one game before that) account for about half of all the winning numbers drawn. Eliminate a lottery number if it has already had three hits in a row. Two valuable tools in the Advantage Gold software for lotto strategy help further target lotto numbers more likely to hit and help you eliminate numbers unlikely to hit: The Multiple Hit Pattern Chart® shows which numbers are most likely to hit two drawings in a row and which repeat hits to eliminate; the Skip and Hit® Chart® shows ONLY which numbers hit most often after skipping just one game (and two games) from your group.
In the 10-20-80 game, five numbers, on average, are repeated from the previous drawing. When you see one or two drawings that have had fewer than five repeat hits, you could expect the next drawing or two to have a higher than average number of repeat hits.
Consider this a VERY Short Term Bias Tracker®, because we are considering only the last two drawings—expecting to see an immediate Trend Reversal when the Bias shows a below average number of repeat hits. Nine of the winning numbers are either repeat hits or numbers out just one game. And 11 of the winning numbers drawn are either repeat hits or numbers out one or two games. You don't have to play every day. Wait for one or two drawings that have had fewer than 9 winning numbers out two games or less, because invariably the next drawing or two will produce more of those than average, making it easier to win.
Keno Mass Lottery App
Since one-quarter of all keno numbers are drawn each game, you don't see many long skip periods between wins. The longest losing streak for any keno number was fewer than forty games. In the entire 3000+ game history of a 10-20-80 keno, only eight times has a number skipped more than 30 drawings without a win. When you see a number out more than 30 drawings, by all means play it. Probability is on your side. A long shot number in keno is one that has skipped more than 10 games. (In Lotto 6/49, a long shot number is one that has been out for 17 games or more.) Numbers out for more than ten games account for only four percent of the winning numbers drawn.
You should have a relatively equal mix of odd and even numbers. More than half (55%) of all the drawings have a relatively even spread of 10 Odd/10 Even or 9 Odd/11 Even or 11 Odd/9 Even. There has never been a drawing in which all Odd or all Even numbers occurred. The Odd/ Even Bias Tracker® in Advantage Gold tells you when you should play more Odd or more Even numbers.
In keno, half your numbers should be chosen from the Low Numbers, 1 to 40, and the other half chosen from the High Numbers, 41 to 80. More than half (55%) of all the drawings have a relatively even spread of 10 Low/10 High or 9 Low/11 High or 11 Low/ 9 High. There has never been a drawing in which all Low or all High numbers occurred. The Low/High Bias Tracker® tells you whether you should play more Low or more High numbers the next drawing.
Lottery Wheels
Balanced Wheel® Systems allow you to bet a large group of numbers, play scientific combinations of those numbers, and get a specific minimum win guarantee. Balanced Wheels® force all the winning numbers that are in your group to come together to give you at least one prize if some or all of the winning numbers are in your chosen group.
It's true that the more numbers you wheel, the easier it is to trap the winning numbers in your chosen group. But to get the most leverage for your money, the optimum number of numbers to wheel is not more than four or five numbers over HALF the numbers in your game. Otherwise, you'll be spending MORE money chasing a SMALLER guaranteed prize. You benefit more by wheeling a carefully selected group of lotto numbers.
Lottery Pools and Lottery Syndicates
Several of the 109 Lotto jackpots won with Smart Luck lottery systems were won by groups of people who pooled their money. Sharing the ticket cost with others stretches your Lotto budget. By playing with a group, you can afford to buy more lottery tickets—and play larger wheeling systems—than you could (or should) by yourself. Draw up an agreement and have the members of your pool sign it.
How to Get Lucky in Lotto
When you form a Lotto pool, your group is also pooling its aggregate luck. A jackpot could happen because of the luck just one member brings to your pool. Select your partners carefully. Share your luck with winners, not losers. Avoid negative people; not only are they unlucky, but they dampen enthusiasm and drain energy from others. You want to enhance your own luck, not dilute its strength. One quick way to tell winners from losers is simply to ask them: 'Do you think you are a lucky person?' Many people quickly admit, 'I'm unlucky. I never win anything.' They won't bring good luck to your group either.
No one should play games of chance out of desperation because they need the winnings. The needy have a greater fear of losing the hard-earned money they gamble with. It is just one of life's dirty tricks that the very fear of losing blocks the winning forces. Thoughts are charged with energy, especially when triggered by emotion. Fear attracts exactly that which one fears. A strong desire for a goal that is charged with positive energy, attracts a positive response, especially when every effort is made to attain that goal.

Win with Lotto Software and Books
See all Smart Luck lottery software and lotto books or the full lottery product guide and list of best Washington lottery software and books to use for Washington Keno.