Poker Tells

Poker Tells Rating: 8,4/10 4034 reviews
  1. Poker Tells Dvd
  2. Poker Tells For Beginners
  3. Poker Tells Def
  4. Party Poker Online

Below is an overview of all the poker tells resources and services available from Zachary Elwood.

What is a poker tell? Poker tells are the habits, behaviours and physical actions of your opponents in a poker game that will give you insight into their likely holdings. Being able to pick up on some of these tells will give you a huge advantage when playing poker, particularity if you are playing in a live poker game. Body language is essential for poker players! Nonverbal science adds a whole new dimension to the game. In this post I have gathered quotes from of the top Poker players around the world, some interesting stats and tips for poker players on reading tells. Poker Experts Talk Body Language: Zach Elwood - author of Reading Poker Tells. A poker tell is any behavioral pattern that a player exhibits which can tip you off to what they hold. If you're just beginning at poker, this probably isn't the site you're looking for. You won't find a list of what hands beat a flush or a rundown of Texas Hold Em Rules. Here are some poker tips on how to read poker players and poker tellsFREE online poker training video -

Poker Tells Video Training Series

In mid-2015 I released a poker tells training video series. There are currently 26 videos, for more than 7 hours of video, and more videos will be added in future.

Exploiting Poker Tells

Exploiting Poker Tells is the third (and last) book in this trilogy. It focuses on real-world, practical advice for making use of poker tells and includes more than 140 hand histories where behavior played a role. You can buy the ebook on this site. The paperback is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

The book that many players, both amateur and experienced, have called the “best book on poker tells.” You can buy the ebook in a few different packages on the page linked below. The paperback is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Verbal Poker Tells

Verbal Poker Tells is an examination of poker player speech, with the goal of finding practical, reliable verbal patterns. You can buy the ebook on this site. The paperback is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Poker Tells in $1-2 No-Limit Hold’em Cash Games

$1-2 No-Limit Hold’em cash games are one of the most popular forms of poker played today. In this short and cheap ebook, Zachary Elwood examines 35 live $1-2 NLHE hands, finding meaning in opponents’ physical and verbal behavior.


Guides to Tells in Online Poker Video

These guides walk you through online poker footage and focus your attention on interesting and potentially meaningful behavioral spots. There are two guides available, both focused on tournament footage. Learn more about the Poker Tell Video Guides…



Click here to check out my blog posts and articles about poker behavior and psychology; these go back to 2010.

Poker Tells Dvd

Poker Tells Consultation / Analysis

Besides playing poker and writing about poker tells, I’ve also served as a poker tells consultant. I’ve worked as a consultant for two World Series of Poker “November Niners” (i.e., WSOP Main Event final tablists), studying their opponents for behavioral patterns. Learn more about my poker tells consultation work…

Poker Tells

Free Email Course

Have you taken my free 5-part Verbal Poker Tells email course? Click here to sign up.

I'm Zachary Elwood. Some info about me:

  • Author of Reading Poker Tells, my first book on poker tells. Many people have called it the best book on the subject.
  • Author ofVerbal Poker Tells, an examination of verbal behavior in poker. I worked on this for 8 months, 40+ hours a week, and it's the book I'm most proud of.
  • Author of Exploiting Poker Tells, which includes 140+ hand histories focused on the practical side of reading tells. Also includes interviews with some experienced pro players. Get a free excerpt here.
  • Creator of a poker tells video series with more than 12 hours of content.
  • Behavioral consultant for two World Series of Poker Main Event final table players. Read more about that poker tells consultation work here.
  • On Twitter at @apokerplayer.
  • I have a podcast on behavior called 'People Who Read People.' You can read about the podcast episodes and get links here.
  • Have done research into fake/deceptive social media accounts that has been featured in major news outlets. For details, see links in this piece.

Below I have a free 5-part email course that will make you better at reading verbal poker tells. It includes some excerpts from my book Verbal Poker Tells(read reviews) but it's more than that. I spent quite a bit of time making it as powerful as could be for such a brief course. I've had many subscribers tell me it was an eye-opening and useful course, so I'm confident you'll enjoy it.

Sign up for a free 5-part email series on verbal poker tells

Get poker tells videos

Many people are visual or auditory learners, and this makes a lot of sense for poker tells, because tells are visual and auditory clues. I'm proud to announce I now have a poker tells video series, available at It uses real cash game and tournament footage, and shows you real-world examples of the tells described in my books and blog posts.

Read some reviews for the series here. Go to the homepage of and sign up for a free 3-part email course and you'll also get one free 15-minute video from the course.

Contact me

You can find me at the following places:

  • Twitter: @apokerplayer
  • Facebook: Reading Poker Tells
  • Instagram: Reading Poker Tells
  • Email: Contact page

Most Popular Poker Tells Resources

Here are some of the most popular resources I've created:

  • Guide to Top 10 Poker Tells - This is a short overview of the top 10 most useful poker tells that I created for the poker forum site
  • Reading Poker Tells — Many readers have called my first book, Reading Poker Tells, 'the best book on poker tells.'
  • Verbal Poker Tells —Learn how knowledge of verbal poker tells will help your live game. Sign up for the free 5-part email course above if you're curious about the kind of stuff I talk about in there.
  • Poker Tells Videos — A new video training series (2015) that uses actual tournament and cash game footage. Currently there are 13 videos and more will be added in future.
  • Poker Tells At Live $1-$2 No-Limit — Do you play live $1-2 or $2-5 NLHE and want to better understand poker tells in those games? In a short ebook, I go over 35 actual hands, looking for reliable behaviors. You can also sign up for a free 4-part email course.
  • Blog Posts and Articles — Blog posts going back to 2010 on poker psychology, tells, and other stuff.
  • Press and Reviews — Press about me and my books and videos on third-party sites. Also articles I've written for third-party sites.

About Zachary Elwood

Poker Tells For Beginners

I'm a former professional poker player and the author of three books on poker tells. My first book, Reading Poker Tells, is widely regarded as the best book on the subject and has been translated into three languages. I'm also the author of Verbal Poker Tells, Exploiting Poker Tells, and I created a video series on poker tells.

Poker Tells Def

Poker tells list

Party Poker Online

I've also worked as a poker behavior consultant for two World Series of Poker Main Event final table players. I have a general psychology/behavior podcast called People Who Read People.